hmm....my dear yew moy sent me another relay game...then for fun, i just continue to play it.問題如下:
the questions are as follow:一。現在心里想到的東西?
what is the thing in your mind now?希望好姐妹前程似锦。(你知道的。。。呵呵~~)hope that my dear sister will have a bright future.二.。必上的網站?
any "must-go" website?我的部落格吧。以前是聊天室。现在就一定得到这个让我写下心情的地方。my blog.it was supposed to be chat space last time.but now i sure will go to this place where i can write down what is in my heart.
any favorite day in a week?没特别喜欢那一天。以前是喜欢星期六,那时那天是我唯一一天可以迟睡的日子。现在?算了吧。not a specific one. last time it used to be saturday, the only day i can stay up late.now? forget it.
any neccesary function for your handphone?能接电话,能打电话,能收简讯,能发简讯,就是好机。receive call,make call,receive sms,send sms...a good phone..
the level of your 38ness....要看环境,看和什么人一起。还有得看那是什么事啦。你永远没办法知道我又多八的哦。。指数是会变的。depend on enviroment,people and of course what kind of thing is it.and you will never know how "8" am i.the level keep changing.
favorite working hour?可以的话,不用做工最好。the best is no need to work.blah...七。在你最饿又同时最想睡的时候,你会选择哪一个?只能选一个。
which new would you choose,when you were in the hungriest and most sleepy time?choose one only.睡觉,我是睡觉大过天。sleep.八。在塞着车,而你有拉肚子(还是很急的),你会怎么办?
what would you do,when you have a severe stomachache while stuck in the traffic jam?哗!好像很难做出选择的样子。死忍到油站吧?或任何有厕所的地方。不然浆哦?总不能拉在车里吧?wah....bear until the nearest petro station or places with toilet。no way?wei...cant be released in the car gua? 九。下着大雨,没带伞。赶时间,会怎样?raining heavily,without umbrella,got a plane to catch,what to do?就同一个建筑物啊。根本不用出去。要伞来干嘛?it in the same building what point to have umbrella?十。吃饭会肥哦?is eating rice making one fat?管它肥不肥,叫本饭桶没饭吃就会死啦,这个我就知道。呵呵~~ fat or not this i don't know lah.i just know i ll die very fast without rice.
十一。部落格拿来干嘛?what is blogger meant for?写日记啊。心情啊。想些什么就写什么啦。不然?生蜘蛛网啊?for blogging,the voice of your heart..anything you like.its you blog.no?then?for spider web is it?
十二。冲凉第一件事?the first thing to do when shower?脱衣?喂。没关门就脱啦?先关门啦!take off clothes?hey,with the door open?close the door first lah!
十三。电视对你来说? what is a tv meant for you?可有可无的一个盒子。不能看一级方程式赛车就是废物。can live with or without it. useless for if cant watch F1 with it.
十四。又饿又想减肥,怎么办?hungry and yet want to keep in shape,how?吃了再算啦。呵呵~~所以不曾成功。eat first think later,that's why i failed.haha..
十五。是不是很想打问问题的人?feel like beating the person who asked those question?喂。游戏罢了嘛。你以为出问题很容易啊?wei,game only mah.for fun lah.do you think its easy to ask quetion a?
now its the time to pass down the baton..hope that won't get beaten by them lah.don care..来吧。。。下五位。。大饼,趴趴熊,菲安,kim,bryan.
come on..next five...bernard,tare bear,fionn,kim,bryan.不要让游戏断掉哦。。
dont let the game being lost o...