<body> 麵包心情食譜: 逛街。失眠。泡汤 <body>

星期六, 10月 07, 2006


哎 昨天失眠了 ai.yet another sleepless night
三佬是不是又把机器收回去了呢 is a soon already taken back the sleeping machine

星期四晚班放工后就跑来跑去 thursday morning went to lots of place after work
忙啊 欠书可以欠到要还五令吉 hehe..i owe library rm5 for late return
厉害吧 amazing leh
在去这去那 here and there
回到家要睡觉时已经是下午四点左右了 it was 4pm when i was ready to sleep

然后倒头就睡 slept once touch my bed
到。。。第二天的下一点 til...1pm on the next day
哇。睡了二十个小时 wow.20 hours of sleeping
天啊 还有任务在身啊 o gosh.i still a mission to be accomplished

好啦就开开心准备去逛街了 ok.get ready for shopping
呵呵~~ hehe~~
怎知捷运出现问题哦 o no.lrt system was down
别扫我兴啦 please la.
还在本小姐脑经传的快 hehe..nothing could stop me now
就去搭巴士 let's go for bus
轻轻松松就到了“一优” easily i reached one-u lor
嘿。。本来是要搭捷运到另一个地方搭车的嘛 hmm.at first want to change bus at another lrt station
现在不用了直接就到 now no need can reach there directly

好啦逛啊选啊挑啊试啊买啊 shop a,pick a,try a,buy a....
管它外面霾害如何 who cares bout the haze out there
嘿。。终于明白什么叫做偷得浮生半日闲 oo...now i onl know what is holiday hehe
总算任务完成 呵呵~~ finally mission accomplished

好啦到了回家的时间 time for home
糟。上哪搭车? oops..where to get the bus
问啊。。有免费的巴士啊 ask a guy there..got free shuttle.
是哦。谢谢。这里走去是吗? 好好。。。wow..where?here?ok
哦那个巴士啊没有了哦 hm..the bus no longer available wo
嘎。。那怎么办 huh?how?
付费巴士总有吧 normal bus?
有有,这里走去 yeah...this way please.
哦。谢谢。 o thanks
请问这个巴士有去那里吗? execuse me, is this bus going to there
没有啊你要等下一辆 no,u have to wait for another
哦好的 ok
咦那辆好像有去到我家附近哦 hey,that bus seemed going to my area
请问。。 execuse me...
有有有。就开车了 yes yes yes..leaving soon
好好。。 ok ok
到家 home.
望着满地战利品 looking at my "wining"
好满足哦 呵呵~~ wow..what a great feeling

又来忙啊忙 again....busy in and out
不然薯条你以为那个盒子自己跑出来得啊 else french fries, u thought the box fall from sky a
嘿嘿。。两点夜里终于可以睡啦 hehe...2am.done.time for bed
躺在床上两眼光光 不能睡啊 opps....cant sleep....
太兴奋了啊? too excited?
谁来救救我啊 help me please

可怜 poor thing
今天睡迟了 放心上班没迟到 woke up late.glad that not late for work
上班前的计划统统泡汤了 all plans for time before work gone
喂我很久才有机会逛一次街 hey come on.i rarey got chance to shop
别这样对我啦 dont treat me like that la

现在也很爱睡啊 sleepy now also

posted by 麵包 在

2 則留言:

Blogger astrid 說...

can't sleep me too
normal shift problem la
next time we go shopping 2gether
then v go play baseball at the roof top ok

12:54 上午  
Blogger 麵包 說...


10:09 上午  


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