my friend called me last night
she told me that she has a dream
a dream job that she wanted so much
and the dream was just walked in front of her
and she let the dream just slipped of without trying to get hold of it
i asked why
she said her parent won't allow her to take that
i asked
that's your life or theirs
you are the one who get hold of your own life
why let other to decide
they choose the primary school for you
they choose the first school bag for you
they choose the secondary school for you
they choose the course in university for you
they choose the job for you
may i ask
what decision have you made for your own life
its you life
you are responsible for it
2 則留言:
well i agree
we are grown ups
we are more then 21 years old and
we can make decision
or else why are we born with brains
why juz give brains to our parents and we don't need it
take hold of what u want
u are incharge now
not soon ur husbank pulak nak incharge
o ya..why we born with our brain if we could follow all their plans,right?
husband?why should sacrifice everything for husband? now no more 50's. o please..
women should have their own life as well.
j son...
agree.we should think twice before making any decision.just that, would you regret sometime later why you didn't have the courage to try it?
is it a dillema situation?
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